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India-Israel: The Deadly Combo of Two Modern Fascist States

The term “fascism” historically conjures images of authoritarian regimes characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. In contemporary geopolitics, the application of the term to modern states such as India and Israel invites considerable debate and scrutiny. Both countries, while having distinct histories and political landscapes, exhibit certain authoritarian and nationalist tendencies that align with elements of fascist ideology. This article explores these claims, delving into the political developments and societal changes in India and Israel that have led to their characterization as modern fascist states.

Historical Context and Rise of Nationalism
India, the so-called world’s largest democracy, has a complex political landscape shaped by its colonial past and post-independence development. The rise of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its leader, Narendra Modi, marks a significant shift towards Hindu nationalism, also known as Hindutva. Hindutva, an ideology promoting Hindu hegemony, was first articulated by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in the 1920s and later adopted by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a right-wing Hindu nationalist organization.

Modi’s tenure as Prime Minister has seen an increase in policies and rhetoric that marginalize India’s Muslim minority and other non-Hindu communities. The controversial Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) of 2019, which provides a path to citizenship for non-Muslim refugees from neighboring countries, and the revocation of Article 370, which granted special autonomy to the Muslim-majority region of Jammu and Kashmir, are cited as examples of this trend.

Kashmir: The Heart of the Conflict
The region of Kashmir has been a flashpoint of conflict between India and Pakistan since the partition in 1947. In August 2019, the Indian government abrogated Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, which granted special autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir. This move was controversial and led to widespread criticism both domestically and internationally.

Following the revocation, Kashmir has been under a heavy military lockdown. Reports from international human rights organizations indicate that there has been a significant increase in human rights violations, including arbitrary arrests, torture, and extrajudicial killings. The Indian government has faced accusations of implementing collective punishment, restricting freedom of expression, and targeting civilian populations.

A 2020 report by Human Rights Watch highlighted the ongoing crackdown on dissent in Kashmir. The report noted the use of draconian laws such as the Public Safety Act (PSA) and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) to stifle opposition. Additionally, the communication blockade imposed in Kashmir has severely restricted access to information, exacerbating the plight of the local population.

Israel’s political trajectory has been significantly influenced by its ongoing conflict with the Palestinians and the broader Arab world. The formation of the State of Israel in 1948 on the grounds of illegal occupation and the subsequent wars have fostered a strong sense of national identity centered on Jewish heritage and security concerns. The right-wing Likud Party, led by figures such as Benjamin Netanyahu, has dominated Israeli politics for much of the past few decades.

Netanyahu’s government has been criticized for its settlement policies in the West Bank, which are seen as undermining the possibility of a two-state solution and exacerbating tensions with Palestinians. The Jewish-State Law of 2018, which enshrines Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people and downgrades the status of Arabic, has been viewed by many as discriminatory towards non-Jewish minorities, particularly the Arab-Israeli population.

The 2022 elections saw a return of Netanyahu to power, reflecting a political pendulum that swings between right-wing and more centrist or left-leaning governments. The continued prominence of right-wing parties underscores the enduring influence of security concerns and nationalist sentiments in Israeli politics.

Recent Developments
In the past year, the situation in Gaza has worsened significantly. Israel’s military operations in Gaza have been characterized by heavy bombardments and ground assaults, leading to extensive civilian casualties. The United Nations and various human rights organizations have criticized Israel for what they term as disproportionate use of force and violations of international humanitarian law.
A 2023 report by Amnesty International condemned the Israeli government for committing war crimes in Gaza, citing indiscriminate attacks on civilian areas, destruction of essential infrastructure, and denial of medical aid. The blockade imposed by Israel since 2007 has exacerbated the humanitarian situation, severely restricting the flow of goods and services into Gaza and contributing to widespread poverty and deprivation.

Authoritarian Tendencies and Suppression of Dissent
Under Modi’s leadership, India has seen a marked decline in press freedom and an increase in the persecution of journalists, activists, and political opponents. Organizations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have documented instances of intimidation and harassment against those who criticize the government. The use of draconian laws like the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) to detain activists and the clampdown on student protests further exemplify these authoritarian measures.

The judiciary, often seen as the last bastion of democracy, has also faced allegations of being co-opted by the ruling party. High-profile cases where courts have ruled in favor of the government, despite apparent violations of civil liberties, have raised concerns about judicial independence.

In Israel, the suppression of dissent is closely tied to the security apparatus and the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and intelligence agencies have broad powers to detain individuals suspected of security offenses, often without trial. This has led to serious violations of human rights abuses and the stifling of Palestinian political activism.
Israel has also seen attempts to undermine the judiciary and consolidate executive power. Efforts to pass legislation that would limit the power of the Supreme Court and reduce judicial oversight have been met with significant opposition, both domestically and internationally.

Societal Impacts and the Role of Identity Politics
In India, Hindu nationalism has led to an increase in communal tensions and violence. Mob lynchings of Muslims accused of cow slaughter, attacks on Christian missionaries, and the demonization of interfaith marriages as “love jihad” are manifestations of this societal shift. The BJP’s rhetoric often frames national identity in terms of religious affiliation, marginalizing those who do not conform to its vision of a Hindu India.

Educational institutions and historical narratives have also been targeted, with attempts to rewrite textbooks to reflect a more Hindu-centric view of Indian history. This ideological propagation aims to foster a generation aligned with Hindutva principles, further entrenching the division.

In Israel, the emphasis on Jewish identity has similarly marginalized non-Jewish communities. The Nation-State Law and the ongoing expansion of settlements in the West Bank are seen as efforts to consolidate Jewish identity at the expense of Palestinian rights and aspirations. This has led to increased polarization within Israeli society, with Arab-Israelis and other minorities feeling increasingly disenfranchised.

The Israeli government’s policies have also had significant humanitarian impacts on Palestinians, including restricted movement, economic hardships, and limited access to resources. The ongoing blockade of Gaza and military operations in Palestinian territories exacerbate these issues, leading to a cycle of violence and retaliation.

International Reactions and Geopolitical Implications

India’s pivot towards authoritarianism and nationalism has strained its relations with neighboring countries and affected its global image. The situation in Kashmir has drawn criticism from international human rights organizations and led to diplomatic tensions with Pakistan. However, India’s strategic importance in countering China’s influence in the region has meant that many Western countries, including the United States, have been reluctant to fully condemn its domestic policies.

Israel’s policies towards the Palestinians have long been a point of contention in international relations. While Israel maintains strong support from countries like the United States, its settlement activities and treatment of Palestinians have led to criticism from the European Union and various international bodies. The normalization of relations with several Arab states under the Abraham Accords reflects a complex geopolitical landscape where strategic interests often outweigh human rights concerns.
While the characterization of India and Israel as modern fascist states is contentious and warrants nuanced examination, certain authoritarian and nationalist tendencies in both countries align with elements of fascist ideology. The rise of Hindu nationalism in India and the consolidation of Jewish identity in Israel have profound implications for their democratic institutions, societal cohesion, and international relations. Addressing these issues requires a critical and balanced approach, recognizing the legitimate security concerns and historical contexts while advocating for the protection of democratic values and human rights.


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