Climate Policy of Canada
Climate Policy of Canada: Is Net Zero by 2050 achievable?

Climate policy of Canada walks a tightrope between ambitious emissions cuts and economic stability. Will…

A Measured Look: Examining Press Freedom in Pakistan

The headlines blared: " Press Freedom Day: Why are journalists fleeing Pakistan?" A recent article…

India’s Hypocrisy: A Cloak of Terrorism

As India prepares for its forthcoming elections, the classic narrative of using anti-Pakistan emotions to…

Sikh Farmers’ Protest in India: Demands and Context

Image Credits: Ravi Kumar/Hindustan Times/Getty Images The ongoing Sikh farmers' protest in India has once…

India’s Clandestine Footprint Has Reached the US

The United States has indicted Indian national Nikhil Gupta in connection with a failed plan…

Alleged Plot Unveiled: Geopolitics, Covert Ops, and India’s Global Standing

In a world where geopolitical tensions often remain hidden beneath the surface, recent revelations surrounding…