Political Tactics & Escalating Violence

The political landscape of Pakistan is complex, characterized by diverse strategies, employed by various parties…

Pakistan’s River Water Crisis: An Urgent Call to Action

Pakistan is experiencing a serious water management issue, resulting in a staggering yearly economic loss…

Surfacing of Widespread Corruption in Indian Armed Forces

Corruption in the Indian Army has surfaced as a recurrent issue, undermining public trust in…

Pakistan’s Judiciary: A Call for Urgent Reform

Pakistan's legal system is marred with delays and inefficiency, forcing applicants to wait long years…

U.S. Support of Democracy and Human Rights: A Case of Duplicity

In international politics, acts are rarely as selfless as they appear. This reality is exemplified…

The Truth Behind External Political Interference: Pakistan’s Resilient Economic Growth

Introduction In the recent past, Pakistan has experienced a lot of external political intervention particularly…

Pakistan Army’s Role In Driving Economic and Social Development

The Pakistan Army, long seen as the country's defence bastion, has rapidly increased its influence…

National Firewall: A Digital National Necessity

The advent of digital era has ushered unparalleled connectedness, concurrently however, it has unearthed the…

Pakistan’s Potential in BRICS: A Vision for Regional Integration

In recent discourse surrounding global economic alliances and geopolitical strategies, Pakistan has emerged as a…

Operation “Azm-e-Istahkam”: Pakistan’s Unflinching Resolve Against Terrorism

In a bid to uproot the menace of terrorism from the country, Prime Minister of…