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The Idolatry Trap: How Deifying Politicians Erodes Democracy

Democracy thrives on a delicate balance: the power vested in people, exercised through their representatives, tempered by critical scrutiny and accountability. But what happens when this balance tips, when the line between representation and reverence blurs, and political figures morph from elected officials into objects of idolization and worship?

The answer, as history and contemporary examples attest, is a slow and insidious erosion of the very fabric of democratic principles.

The allure of idolizing leaders is undeniable. In times of uncertainty and crisis, a charismatic figure can offer a sense of stability and direction. Their pronouncements become words from the heavens, their actions imbued with an almost mythical quality. This hero worship, however, comes at a steep price.

When we place political figures on pedestals, we strip them of their humanity and accountability.

Their flaws and missteps are glossed over, dissent is stifled as sacrilege, and blind obedience replaces critical thinking.

The dangers of idolizing political figures are not merely theoretical; they are demonstrably real. Take the example of Pakistan, a nation that has grappled with the consequences of political hero worship on multiple occasions.

The Bhutto family holds a distinctive place in Pakistani politics. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, founder of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), remains a revered figure despite a complex legacy. His populist appeal and commitment to social justice resonated with many. Yet his authoritarian tendencies and controversial policies left an unwaning burden.

Image Credits: Dawn
Image Credits: Dawn

Benazir Bhutto, his daughter and two-time Prime Minister, symbolized hope for democracy and women’s empowerment but faced challenges of corruption and economic instability. The Bhutto family’s dynastic politics entrenched loyalty over merit, hindering robust democratic development.

Idolization of the Bhuttos oversimplifies their legacy, hindering critical analysis and the opportunity to learn from both their achievements and flaws for a more just and equitable Pakistan.

Imran Khan’s rise to power presents another cautionary tale.

A cricket hero turned politician, he captured the imagination of millions. His promises were about tackling corruption, reforming the system, and breaking away from the traditional political elite. His charismatic speeches and populist message resonated with a disillusioned public yearning for change.

However, Khan’s rule was marked by increasing authoritarianism, attacks on the judiciary, military and media, and a narrowing political space. His reliance on conspiracy theories and divisive rhetoric further polarized the nation. While his supporters hail him as a reformer, his idolization by a large segment of the population allowed him to bypass accountability and erode democratic institutions.

The recent political turmoil in Pakistan, culminating in Khan’s ouster through a vote of no confidence, highlights the dangers of unchecked populism. The blind adulation of Khan by his followers made it difficult to engage in reasoned debate about his policies and hold him accountable for shortcomings in policy and implementation.

Idolizing political figures threatens democracy by weakening checks and balances, fostering division and intolerance, and breeding apathy. When citizens blindly follow leaders, they fail to hold them accountable, creating fertile ground for abuse and authoritarianism.

This “us vs. them” attitude tears at societal fabric, hindering dialogue and compromise. Believing in infallible saviors makes us passive spectators, relinquishing our responsibility as active participants in shaping our nation’s fate.

These examples serve as stark reminders that the path to democratic decay is often paved with good intentions. The desire for stability and unity, while noble, can easily morph into a dangerous form of hero worship.

We must recognize that leaders, no matter how charismatic or well-meaning, are human beings with inherent flaws and limitations.

Our responsibility as citizens lies in holding them accountable, not deifying them.

To revitalize our democracy, we must move beyond the trap of idolization. We must engage in critical thinking, question authority, and demand transparency from our elected representatives. We must celebrate diversity of opinion and foster a culture of respectful dialogue, even with those we disagree with. And most importantly, we must reclaim our own power as citizens, recognizing that the fate of our nation rests not in the hands of a few, but in the collective will of the people.

While admiration for political figures is natural, the idolization and glamorization of leaders pose inherent risks to the democratic fabric. Pakistan, like many other democracies, grapples with striking a balance between celebrating leaders and critically assessing their impact.

Embracing a more nuanced and critical approach to political figures can help fortify the democratic foundation and ensure that the collective will of the people remains the driving force behind governance.


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