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The Nexus Between PTM and FAK: A Growing Threat to Pakistan’s Stability

The Pushtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) and Fitna-ul-Khawarij (FAK) are two disparate yet exceptionally complicated entities within the uniquely convoluted social fabric of Pakistan. Both organizations claim to advocate for the rights of the Pushtun community but operate through divergent methodologies that ultimately serve a common objective: destabilizing Pakistan and its Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). The recent tragic deaths of PTM activists, including Gilaman Wazeer, highlight the potential for violence inherent in their activities. This article explores the nexus between PTM and FAK, their shared interests, and the implications for Pakistan’s security and political integrity.

The Incident: A Catalyst for Political Mobilization

A minor altercation during a cricket match escalated into a fatal attack on July 7, 2024, involving PTM activists Gilaman Wazeer and Zakeem Pashteen, and PTI supporter Azad Dawar. Wazeer succumbed to his injuries on July 11, prompting public outcry. His funeral, attended by Manzoor Pashteen and about 40,000 people in Laki Maidan, North Waziristan, became a platform for political mobilization. During his address, Pashteen announced a grand gathering called “Pashtun Qaumi Adalat (PQA)” scheduled for October 11, 2024, turning a personal tragedy into a political rallying point.

This incident serves as a reminder that personal animosities can be exploited for larger political causes. PTM leadership, particularly Pashteen, capitalized on Wazeer’s death to stoke discontent against the state. Despite Dawar’s known political affiliations with the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and the local business community, unfounded allegations were circulated linking him to Pakistan’s intelligence agencies—a tactic that reflects PTM’s pattern of using local grievances to mobilize unrest against state institutions.

The Complex Landscape of Violence in FATA

Violence in Pakistan’s tribal areas, formerly known as FATA, cannot be simplistically attributed to state institutions and security agencies. Deep-rooted inter-tribal rivalries often manifest in violent clashes within the region. The case of Wazeer vs. Dawar illustrates how personal conflicts can escalate into larger societal issues when political actors exploit them. The FATA-KP merger and development projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) are initiatives aimed at bringing stability; however, the region’s complex social fabric poses significant challenges to lasting peace.

PTM’s PQA gathering exemplifies how the plight of the Pushtun people is not merely a call for rights, but an attempt to incite discord. Pashteen and Mohsin Dawar have turned local grievances into a facade of victimhood, prioritizing their personal agendas over the interests of their constituents.

Provocations and Separatist Sentiments

PTM’s leadership has engaged in provocative actions following Wazeer’s death that could jeopardize hard-won peace in the region. Pashteen’s tours across KPK, including visits to Orakzai, Tank, and Miran Shah, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize support against security forces. The symbolic draping of Wazeer’s coffin in an Afghan flag is a troubling indication of PTM’s ulterior motives. This act not only fuels resentment against the Pakistani state but also raises concerns about separatist tendencies within PTM, echoing the grand Pushtun Nationhood ideology espoused by historical figures like Ahmed Shah Baba.

While PTM and FAK may appear distinct in their origins and tactics, they increasingly resemble two sides of the same coin, united in their goal of destabilizing Pakistan and undermining its military and LEAs. Both organizations draw support from Pushtun tribes in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) and vehemently oppose the merger of FATA with KPK, demanding reduced military presence in their areas.

Dual Front Threat: PTM and FAK

According to a 2023 report from the Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS), FAK was responsible for 208 attacks resulting in 579 fatalities. In contrast, PTM employs a political approach that often criticizes the military for aggravating terrorism. While FAK resorts to violence, PTM uses political influence to destabilize Pakistan from within, creating a dual-front threat.

Analysis of specific events reveals a coordinated strategy. For instance, PTM organized a protest following a FAK attack in Bannu on July 19, 2024, which quickly descended into chaos, highlighting the interconnectedness of their actions. This cycle of violence and unrest not only alarms policymakers but also underscores the urgent need for a strategic response to the challenges posed by this nexus.

Mutual Support and External Influences

Another concerning aspect of the PTM-FAK relationship is their mutual support. Both organizations avoid public criticism of each other and instead amplify one another’s narratives. PTM has refrained from condemning any terrorist attacks since June 2024, instead blaming Pakistan’s military for allegedly encouraging terrorism. Tensions have escalated due to prominent PTM figures frequently accusing the military of human rights violations.

External influences complicate the situation further. India’s intelligence agency, RAW, is reported to be backing FAK in its destabilization efforts against Pakistan, while PTM acknowledges FAK’s narratives. Additionally, several questionable NGOs have been implicated in supporting PTM and Baloch separatists, solidifying these organizations’ positions in a broader geopolitical struggle.

Weak Judicial Mechanisms in KPK

The weak judicial system in KPK exacerbates the issue. Despite having the highest number of terrorism incidents, KPK possesses the lowest number of anti-terrorism courts, with only 13, compared to 48 in Punjab and 32 in Sindh. This lack of judicial capacity contributes to a backlog of cases, allowing terrorists and their supporters, including PTM, to operate with relative impunity. KPK has 196 out of 605 pending terrorism cases, while Balochistan has 205. This disparity highlights the judicial system’s failure to hold individuals accountable, allowing extremism and unrest to spread.


Discussing PTM raises unsettling concerns about a problematic relationship that could foster instability and insecurity in Pakistan. The mutual support and external backing these organizations receive, coupled with their exploitation of local grievances for political gain, create a complex challenge that policymakers must urgently address. This is not an isolated incident, but part of a broader strategy by PTM to challenge state authority and instigate unrest.

To restore stability in the region, the Pakistani state must develop effective policy responses. It is essential to tackle the underlying social and political issues, improve judicial mechanisms, and counter external influences. While PTM may claim to be the voice of the Pushtun people, their actions serve to incite unrest and undermine the hard work and sacrifice that have brought peace. The nexus between PTM and FAK is a national security threat, and its implications for Pakistan’s future are profound.


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