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U.S. Support of Democracy and Human Rights: A Case of Duplicity

In international politics, acts are rarely as selfless as they appear. This reality is exemplified by US House Resolution 901, which purports to advocate for democracy and human rights in Pakistan. Despite containing high aspirations, this resolution is defined less by the moral imperatives and more by the self-interests and ulterior motives of a vested group.

The four Republican Senators leading this resolution namely Greg Stanton, Rich McCormick, Dan Meuser, and Dan Kildee—are infamous for their pro-Zionist views and unyielding support for Israel’s barbaric measures in Gaza. Their track record and activities also demonstrate a worrisome discrepancy in their displayed human rights activism.

The Senators’ Pro-Israel Stances
A detailed investigation reveals that considerable financial aid from pro-Israel donors has resulted in a significant impact on Senators’ opinions on Israel. According to an investigation published in The Guardian, Congress members, who were more pro-Israel before the commencement of the Gaza Conflict, earned over U.S. $100,000 more on average from the contributors than those, who backed Palestine. This financial backing casts doubt on their objectives besides raising concerns about the legitimacy of their legislative acts.

Republican Senator Greg Stanton earned U.S. $107,840 from pro-Israel donations. Before a vote on a Republican proposal for funding to Israel, Stanton remarked, “Israel needs our strong, unified, and bipartisan support now more than ever to defend itself against Hamas’ terror.” However, House Republicans are now seeking to exploit crucial help to a friend at war as a cynical, politicised negotiating chip. It is a dangerous precedent to create; support for the Israeli people should never be conditional. Stanton’s speech emphasises unequivocal support for Israel, despite the humanitarian disaster in Gaza.

Representative Rich McCormick raised U.S. $74,200 from pro-Israeli donations. His legislative efforts have continuously focused on strengthening Israel’s defence capabilities and enacting stringent sanctions against Iran. McCormick’s activities match Israel’s military objectives, overshadowing any real concern about larger human rights problems.

Republican Senator Dan Meuser, who got U.S. $15,000 from pro-Israeli donations, openly defends Israel’s actions in Gaza, saying that “Israel is ‘completely justified’ in how it’s handling things.” This approach ignores the horrific consequences of Israeli airstrikes that have killed over 35,000 people, the majority of whom are civilians, and uprooted millions more. According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, more than 70% of the fatalities are women and children under the age of 18, demonstrating the violence’s disproportionate and indiscriminate nature.

Rep. Dan Kildee, who received U.S. $124,061 in donations from pro-Israeli sources, takes a slightly more moderate stance, emphasising Israel’s right to self-defence while expressing “grave concern” over civilian losses. However, this ambiguous position does little to solve the current humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

The Hypocrisy of Human Rights Advocacy
The Senators’ staunch support for Israel’s military activities contrasts sharply with their advocacy for human rights in Pakistan. This hypocrisy is clear in their response to US House Resolution 901, which criticises Pakistan in the name of supporting democracy and human rights. The resolution’s timings and wordings indicate that it is more about applying political pressure and fulfilling the interests of specific lobbies than genuine concerns for the Pakistani people. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) Pakistan in its statement said,” The timings and context of US House Resolution-901 are inconsistent with bilateral relations b/w Pakistan and USA. MoFA expressed its hopes that the US Congress will play a supportive role in strengthening ties between both nations.

The Pro-PTI lobby, notably the Pakistan-American Political Action Committee (PAKPAC), is also important in this context. PAKPAC, controlled by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) followers, has been aggressively campaigning for this resolution. Dr Asif Mehmood, a prominent member of the PAKPAC, is well-known for his strong relations with the PTI leadership. In the past as well, he has been putting in efforts to influence US policy in favour of the latter. The resolution thus looks to be part of a larger campaign to obtain concessions for the PTI’s imprisoned founder, rather than a genuine effort to address human rights concerns in Pakistan.

PAKPAC’s financial structure emphasises its entrenched interests. The organisation is self-funded by its National Board members, who each donate at least U.S. $4,000 per year, with some supporters donating up to U.S. $10,000 annually. This financial support guarantees that PAKPAC remains a potent lobbying organisation, which is capable of swaying policy deliberations in favour of its goals.

The Real Implications of the Resolution
It is critical to recognise that US House Resolution-901 is not legally binding. However, the potential influence on perceptions should not be overlooked. Since November 2023, the resolution has been presented four times, each of which coincided with important changes in Pakistan. This trend implies a concerted effort to sway foreign opinion and undermine Pakistan’s stability at vital moments.

The resolution’s most recent iteration corresponds with Operation Azm-e-Istehkam (AeI), Pakistan’s considerable endeavour to restore peace and security within its borders. It is like a vision for a peaceful and prosperous Pakistan. By throwing doubts on Pakistan’s domestic policies, the resolution seeks to undermine those efforts besides applying pressure on the Government.

US House Resolution 901 is a prime illustration of how political agendas and financial interests may trump genuine concerns about democracy and human rights. The Senators, who support this resolution have displayed a selective approach to human rights, fueled by significant financial donations from pro-Israel supporters. Their support for Israel’s activities in Gaza, despite the huge civilian casualties, contrasts sharply with their claimed advocacy for human rights in Pakistan.

The resolution’s timing and the involvement of pro-PTI lobbyists indicate its true motivations. Rather than being a genuine attempt to address human rights concerns, it appears to be a calculated ploy to impose political pressure and serve special interests. In the complicated arena of international politics, it is critical to look behind the surface and recognise the hidden interests that can motivate seemingly selfless activities.


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