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Pakistan’s Potential in BRICS: A Vision for Regional Integration

In recent discourse surrounding global economic alliances and geopolitical strategies, Pakistan has emerged as a pivotal player advocating for its inclusion in BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). Led by Mushahid Hussain Syed, a seasoned parliamentarian and visionary political pundit, Pakistan’s aspirations to join BRICS underscore its strategic ambitions and potential contributions to a dynamic global economic order.

Economic and Geopolitical Rationale

Pakistan, with an economy valued at approximately $1 trillion, stands as one of the largest in the developing world. Its formal sector alone, totaling $340 billion, signifies substantial economic potential waiting to be fully harnessed and integrated into broader regional and global frameworks. Positioned at the crossroads of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Pakistan offers a crucial gateway for connectivity and trade between East and West Asia, making it an attractive partner for the BRICS bloc.

Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed has articulated Pakistan’s eagerness to enhance its global standing by aligning itself with BRICS. His proposition highlights the mutual benefits that can accrue from Pakistan’s inclusion, leveraging its geostrategic location and sizable population to bolster BRICS’ collective economic strength. With a combined GDP exceeding $26 trillion and constituting 32% of global economic growth, BRICS represents a formidable force capable of reshaping international economic dynamics.

Strategic Diplomacy and Multilateral Engagement

Senator Mushahid’s advocacy extends beyond economic considerations, emphasizing Pakistan’s role in fostering peace, security, and development within the region and beyond. As Chairman of the Senate Defence Committee and a respected think tank leader, his strategic insights into global security dynamics underscore Pakistan’s potential to contribute meaningfully to BRICS’ agenda of demilitarization and financial depolarization.

The geopolitical landscape, characterized by shifting alliances and emerging blocs like BRICS, challenges the traditional dominance of Western-led institutions. Mushahid contends that Pakistan’s inclusion in BRICS could herald a new era of South-South cooperation, countering the North-South divide perpetuated by existing global economic structures. This vision aligns with broader aspirations among developing nations to democratize international relations and reduce dependency on Western-dominated financial systems.

Socio-economic Implications and Technological Advancements

Beyond geopolitical strategy, Pakistan’s demographic dividend—particularly its youthful population of over 100 million—presents a significant opportunity for innovation and economic growth within BRICS. The country’s strides in technological advancement, evidenced by its embrace of alternative currencies such as the yuan and rouble, showcase a readiness to adapt to evolving global economic realities. This adaptability positions Pakistan as a valuable partner capable of bridging regional fissures and contributing to inclusive growth initiatives within BRICS.

Global Implications and Future Prospects

The proposition to include Pakistan in BRICS resonates with broader calls for a more equitable and inclusive international economic order. Mushahid’s advocacy emphasizes the imperative of restructuring global institutions to better reflect the interests of diverse geopolitical actors, thereby promoting stability and sustainable development worldwide. By endorsing Pakistan’s candidature, BRICS not only expands its economic footprint but also reinforces its commitment to fostering a multipolar world order based on mutual respect and cooperation.

Toward a New Paradigm of Economic Multilateralism

In conclusion, Mushahid Hussain Syed’s advocacy for Pakistan’s inclusion in BRICS represents a bold step toward redefining global economic dynamics. Pakistan’s strategic location, economic potential, and commitment to regional stability make it a compelling candidate for membership in this influential bloc. As global alliances evolve and geopolitical landscapes shift, the integration of Pakistan into BRICS promises to unlock new avenues for cooperation, innovation, and shared prosperity across continents.

In the face of escalating geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainties, initiatives like Pakistan’s bid to join BRICS offer a pathway to constructive dialogue and collective action. By embracing Pakistan, BRICS can harness the country’s strengths to address global challenges and shape a more inclusive and resilient international order. As Mushahid Hussain Syed’s vision gains traction, Pakistan stands poised to play a transformative role in shaping the future of global governance and economic multilateralism.

Through strategic diplomacy, economic reform, and technological innovation, Pakistan can leverage its potential within BRICS to achieve sustainable development goals and enhance its global influence. The journey toward inclusive growth and geopolitical equilibrium begins with bold initiatives like Pakistan’s bid for BRICS membership—a testament to its commitment to advancing prosperity and stability on the world stage.


  • Sehr Rushmeen, an Islamabad based freelance researcher, did her MPhil from National Defence University (NDU) in Strategic Studies, and her BSc from University of London (UOL) in International Relations. Her area of research interest is Strategic Nuclear Studies, Artificial Intelligence in Warfare, South China Sea and South Asian Politics. She tweets as @rushmeentweets and can be reached on

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Sehr Rushmeen

Sehr Rushmeen, an Islamabad based freelance researcher, did her MPhil from National Defence University (NDU) in Strategic Studies, and her BSc from University of London (UOL) in International Relations. Her area of research interest is Strategic Nuclear Studies, Artificial Intelligence in Warfare, South China Sea and South Asian Politics. She tweets as @rushmeentweets and can be reached on

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