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Pakistan Urgency to deal with TTP threat

Following a two-decade absence, the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan has had an impact on the security dynamics of surrounding nations. Pakistan, which shares a lengthy and porous border with Afghanistan, is one of the countries most impacted. In addition to raising questions about the stability of the area, the Afghan Taliban’s comeback has also put doubt on the Doha Agreement and Pakistan’s efforts to fight terrorism within its borders.

After the September 11 attacks, a coalition led by the United States invaded Afghanistan, ending the Taliban’s rule there. The Taliban regrouped throughout the following two decades and carried on their struggle against the Afghan government and foreign forces. The Taliban remained a potent force despite efforts to restore security and democracy to Afghanistan.

The Doha Agreement, which the United States and the Taliban signed on February 29, 2020, offered some optimism for putting an end to the protracted battle in Afghanistan. In exchange for Taliban promises, such as to prevent the use of Afghan territory for terrorism against other nations, the deal aimed to make it easier for foreign soldiers to leave Afghanistan.

The Doha Agreement was anticipated as a possible route to peace, but it was rife with difficulties from the beginning. There were doubts about the Taliban’s sincerity in keeping their promises, and the Afghan government was excluded from the negotiations. However, the deal opened the door for more dialogue and increased the likelihood that Afghanistan would find a political solution.

Particularly in its tribal territories bordering Afghanistan, Pakistan has carried a significant burden in the war against terrorism. Pakistan’s security has been under serious danger from the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). In Pakistan, the TTP carried out a number of attacks on civilians, security personnel, and government facilities. The Pakistan Army responded by launching a number of military operations in the tribal regions to expel the TTP and other militant organizations. These actions were expensive with colossal human losses of Law Enforcement Agencies. Pakistan Army deserves praise for its efforts to bring back security and peace in the restive regions.

Recent comments made by Thomas West, the US Special Envoy for Afghanistan, have sparked worries about the regional security situation. He emphasized the close ties between the TTP and the Afghan Taliban while acknowledging the TTP’s serious danger to regional stability. The revelation made by West is especially eye-opening for those who have continuously disputed Pakistan’s assertions regarding the TTP’s presence in Afghanistan.

Undoubtedly, the Afghan Taliban’s comeback and rise to power have given the TTP more confidence. The relationship between the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan has long been a source of worry turning into an undeniable fact now. Recognizing that the TTP has established bases in Afghanistan is essential since this poses a real threat to Pakistan’s security.

In the light of Doha Agreement, International Afghan Government (IAG), has a moral duty to combat terrorist groups operating out of Afghanistan. This includes organizations that have taken refuge in Afghanistan, such as the TTP and the Islamic State-Khorasan Province (ISKP). Failure to handle this problem jeopardizes regional stability as well as Afghanistan’s overall development and economic growth. Revival of terrorist organizations on Afghan territory calls into question the IAG’s ability to ensure a complete grip across the country and act as a responsible state which has always been an apprehension of global community. It is critical to understand that Pakistan’s peace and security are inextricably linked to Afghanistan’s, and that both nations have an interest in tackling the TTP threat.

The IAG should work with its neighboring nations, especially Pakistan, to jointly confront the presence of the TTP and similar extremist groups in the area rather than continuing to live in denial. For Afghanistan and the surrounding areas to experience long-term peace and stability, cooperation is necessary. Pakistan is perpetually confronting acts of terrorism perpetrated through Afghan soil with its linkages to abettors found across Pak-Afghan border. Chief of Army Staff General Asim Munir and Pakistan’s Foreign Office have reiterated firmly that Afghanistan need to address the presence of TTP in Afghan soil.

Security considerations are linked heavily with economic and developmental goals in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. “Peace in Pakistan means peace in Afghanistan, and vice versa,” since instability in one nation can have an immediate effect on instability in another. Working jointly to eradicate the terrorist threat and open the path for development and prosperity in the region is therefore in the best interests of all parties.

The Taliban’s rebirth in Afghanistan and the TTP’s subsequent ascent present serious threats to regional security and stability. The Doha Agreement has encountered many challenges despite its potential for peace, and the IAG must uphold its obligations to combat terrorism that originates in Afghanistan. Pakistan has made significant sacrifices in the war against terrorism, and recent remarks by the US Special Envoy highlight how urgent it is to deal with the TTP threat. The challenges brought on by the Taliban’s comeback and the threat of terrorism can only be solved through cooperation in the area.

Courtesy by Omay Aimen – Daily Times


  • Omay Aimen

    Omay Aimen is a researcher, with an interest in national security, international politics, hybrid warfare & geopolitics. She can be reached at

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Omay Aimen

Omay Aimen is a researcher, with an interest in national security, international politics, hybrid warfare & geopolitics. She can be reached at

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