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Pakistan’s Role in Advocating for Palestinian Self-Determination at the United Nations

The struggle for Palestinian self-determination has long been a litmus test for global justice, human rights, and the implementation of international law. The question of Palestine remains one of the most pressing and unresolved issues in international relations. Amidst the devastating Israeli military campaigns in Gaza, the United Nations General Assembly, in a move spearheaded by Pakistan, adopted a resolution on the “Universal Realization of the Right of People to Self-Determination.” This resolution, supported by a diverse coalition of nations, represents a significant step forward in reaffirming the international community’s commitment to the inalienable rights of people under foreign occupation, including Palestinians.

Pakistan’s leadership in this matter underscores its long-standing advocacy for the rights of oppressed people, most notably the Palestinians and Kashmiris, both of whom have faced decades of occupation and denial of basic human rights. The adoption of this resolution in the wake of Israel’s intensified military assault on Gaza also highlights the urgent need for the global community to reassess its stance on foreign occupations, systemic injustices, and the Palestinian cause.

The UN Resolution and Pakistan’s Role

For over four decades, Pakistan has consistently brought forward the annual resolution on the right to self-determination at the United Nations. This effort has gained even more relevance and weight due to the worsening situation in Gaza and the broader Palestinian territories. Pakistan’s initiative is not just a diplomatic gesture but a clear reaffirmation of the core principle of self-determination enshrined in Article 1 of the UN Charter. It resonates with the Covenants on Civil, Political, Economic, and Social Rights, as well as the Vienna Declaration, which collectively emphasize the right of all peoples living under colonial domination and foreign occupation to determine their destiny.

The significance of this resolution cannot be overstated. It unequivocally opposes foreign occupations, aggression, and acts of colonial subjugation, specifically drawing attention to cases like the occupied Palestinian territories and Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Both regions have been sites of long-standing injustices, where people are denied their right to self-determination despite countless UN resolutions and international legal instruments supporting their cause.

Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Munir Akram, eloquently outlined the importance of rectifying the historical injustice against the Palestinian people. His call for the United Nations Security Council to reconsider Palestine’s full membership is not merely symbolic but a concrete political step toward the realization of a two-state solution. Full membership for Palestine at the UN would not only be a matter of formal recognition but would grant the Palestinian people a stronger platform from which to assert their rights and engage in international diplomacy.

The Ongoing Tragedy in Gaza

The timing of this resolution is crucial. Since the events of October 2023, Israel’s military operations in Gaza have escalated, with devastating consequences. The figures are staggering: over 41,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been killed, and more than 95,000 wounded. The humanitarian crisis has reached unprecedented levels, with Israel imposing a suffocating siege on Gaza, blocking essential aid, and conducting relentless airstrikes. The international community has watched in horror as the civilian population of Gaza is subjected to what many have described as collective punishment—a gross violation of international law and basic human rights.

In the face of these atrocities, Pakistan has been vocal in calling for immediate international action. Ambassador Akram’s call for an immediate ceasefire, unrestricted humanitarian access, and international protection for the Palestinian people is not just a moral appeal but a necessary step for restoring any semblance of peace in the region. His remarks resonate with the broader Muslim world and many other countries that view the situation in Gaza as a catastrophic failure of the international community to uphold justice and prevent war crimes.

The Palestinian Struggle and Pakistan’s Consistent Support

Pakistan’s support for the Palestinian cause is deeply rooted in both historical solidarity and a shared experience of resisting foreign occupation. Since its inception, Pakistan has been a vocal advocate for Palestinian rights, consistently supporting UN resolutions and international initiatives aimed at achieving justice for the Palestinian people. The connection between Pakistan’s stance on Palestine and its struggle in Kashmir is evident, as both represent unresolved issues of self-determination and foreign occupation.

In the broader context of international diplomacy, Pakistan’s role in spearheading this resolution reflects its commitment to multilateralism and the rule of law. As Ambassador Akram highlighted, the veto cast by the United States against Palestine’s full membership undermines the credibility of global assurances supporting the two-state solution. The Security Council, which is supposed to uphold peace and security, has often failed in its responsibility to address the plight of the Palestinians due to political biases and the misuse of veto power.

By calling for the General Assembly to push the Security Council to reconsider Palestine’s membership, Pakistan is actively challenging the status quo. It is calling for a shift in how international diplomacy addresses long-standing conflicts, pushing for tangible outcomes rather than empty rhetoric. This is a bold move, particularly in light of the increasing normalization of relations between Israel and several Arab states, which some critics argue has diluted the strength of the Palestinian cause on the international stage.

The Path Forward

While the adoption of this resolution is a significant step, it is far from enough to bring lasting peace or justice to Palestine. The international community must translate its commitments into action. This includes not only pressuring Israel to halt its military operations and end the blockade of Gaza but also holding it accountable for war crimes and human rights violations. The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) investigations into potential genocide in Gaza must be supported, and any findings must be acted upon.

Furthermore, the push for Palestine’s full membership in the United Nations must be intensified. The recognition of Palestine as a full member state would not only rectify a historical injustice but also give the Palestinian people the diplomatic standing they need to advocate for their rights more effectively on the world stage.

In conclusion, Pakistan’s role in sponsoring and advocating for the “Universal Realization of the Right of People to Self-Determination” is a testament to its enduring commitment to the principles of justice and international law. In the case of Palestine, this resolution serves as a beacon of hope for people who have long been denied their basic rights. However, it also challenges the global community to move beyond statements of support and take concrete action to end the suffering of the Palestinian people and ensure their right to self-determination is fully realized. The time for decisive, collective action is now.


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