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Operation Goldsmith: A Text Book Example of Digital Terrorism

In the midst of the turmoil that has gripped Pakistan, a new and complex narrative has emerged: Operation Goldsmith. This alleged operation, reportedly orchestrated by foreign powers, is a smear vilification campaign against Pakistan and its Armed Forces. By stoking misplaced political sensation and deepened political intrigue, this operation comprises active participation from paid foreign journalists, who are fed with critical political information by their local lackeys. This is the brainchild of Jewish and Indian lobbies which are inimical to Pakistan and wish to weaken it by discrediting its Armed Forces. The unfortunate part is the support from local pawns, who for petty political interests and financial stakes continue to feed such hostile lobbies with critical bit of internal information. The spree of articles against Pakistan in recent months had material support from a dissident political segment, which was affording the cannon fodder for this journalistic blitzkrieg. The common purpose is to destabilize Pakistan by targeting its political, economic, and social fabric. At the center of this effort stands the dissident political figure Imran Khan, the leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) and ex- premier of Pakistan, who during his watch and subsequently as well, received full support from Lieutenant General Faiz Hameed, the former Chief of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)- the premier intelligence agency of Pakistan. According to recent stories published in foreign media, General Hameed, once his ally, was a crucial ‘asset’, that has been “destroyed” by the Pakistan military.

Once a celebrated leader known for his reformist agenda and anti-corruption stance, Imran Khan now finds himself embroiled in allegations that seriously question his dedication to Pakistan’s sovereignty. It is important to note here that the job of premier intelligence agency is to protect the interests of state and not of any individual. However, Ex PM Imran Khan with full support from Lieutenant General Faiz Hameed was using ISI, as a political tool to coerce his enemies. General Faiz Hameed, who was once one of the most powerful figures in Pakistan’s military establishment, is now facing serious charges on account of corruption and abuse of power. Doubtlessly, while Khan acted as the asset of Goldsmith in Pakistan, General Faiz was serving as an asset to Imran Khan. His arrest, along with other retired officers, clearly reflects the military’s approach towards internal discipline and national security. The military’s actions signal a commitment to holding individuals accountable, regardless of their past positions or influence, as part of a broader effort to protect Pakistan, from both internal and external threats. While misusing his appointment and clout and attempting to be overly loyal to Imran Khan, General Faiz Hameed was backstabbing the institution and then-Army Chief. His sharing of selective intelligence and knack of playing from both sides of the fence, has been exposed by the outcome of legal inquiry against him. The mantra of Operation Goldsmith has been amplified by accusations of foreign interference, with claims that Jewish and Indian lobbies are working to impair Pakistan from within.

The military’s response has been firm, taking decisive actions against those implicated in this alleged plot. By pursuing court martials and investigations, the military seeks to demonstrate its role as the guardian of national security, emphasizing that Pakistan’s interests come before those of any individual or political faction. Politically, these developments have deepened the divide between Imran Khan and the military, highlighting the complex relationship between political ambitions and national security. As Khan continues to criticize the military, the situation reflects the broader challenges that political leaders face in balancing their personal agendas with the national interests.

The legal actions against General Hameed and others are not just about addressing specific allegations; they represent a broader statement about the standards expected within Pakistan’s military and intelligence community. These steps are intended to reinforce the integrity of these institutions and their commitment to the nation’s defence.

Public reaction to such events has been mixed. While some see the military’s actions as a necessary measure to protect national interests, others worry about the impact on political freedom and accountability. This debate mirrors the larger conversation about how Pakistan can best balance its national security needs with its democratic principles.

In conclusion, this is a critical moment in Pakistan’s ongoing struggle to protect its national integrity. The intertwining of political maneuvering, military actions, and international intrigue makes this a complex issue with far-reaching implications. As the country navigates these challenging times, the commitment to preserving its sovereignty and the strength of its institutions remains crucial. The unfolding events serve as a reminder of the delicate balance Pakistan must maintain in defending its values and interests against a myriad of internal and external challenges.


  • Sara Nazir is an Islamabad-based researcher with a background in Strategic Studies & area of interest is non-traditional warfare. She can be reached on & @SaraNazir13 (on X).

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Sara Nazir

Sara Nazir is an Islamabad-based researcher with a background in Strategic Studies & area of interest is non-traditional warfare. She can be reached on & @SaraNazir13 (on X).

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