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Has Kashmir’s Leadership Sold Out?

The recent election process in Illegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) has once again highlighted the political manipulation and betrayal of Kashmiri aspirations by Indian-backed leaders. Omar Abdullah, a prominent figure in Kashmiri politics and leader of the National Conference (NC), has faced significant criticism for his contradictory stance on the restoration of Article 370. His shift in rhetoric before and after the elections exemplifies the puppetry that has long defined the relationship between the Indian state and its installed leadership in the valley.

The Revocation of Article 370

Article 370, which granted IIOJK its special status, was unilaterally revoked by the Indian government in August 2019, stripping the region of its autonomy. This move was met with widespread protests in IIOJK and condemnation from international human rights organizations. In response, politicians like Omar Abdullah promised the restoration of Article 370 as a central part of their electoral platform. However, after winning the elections in IIOJK, Omar Abdullah has taken a sharp U-turn, declaring that the “restoration of Article 370 is foolishness” and that his party would no longer pursue the cause that formed the bedrock of his campaign.

Betrayal of Trust

This volte-face has left many Kashmiris feeling deceived and abandoned. Abdullah’s post-election rhetoric, praising Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as an “honest man” and expressing trust in the BJP’s vision for Kashmir, has sparked outrage. For many, it serves as yet another reminder of the façade of democracy in the region, where leaders like Abdullah act as pawns in India’s larger political agenda.

A History of Electoral Manipulation

The elections in IIOJK have long been marred by incidents of rigging, manipulation, and voter suppression. This most recent election was no different. The abrogation of Article 370 not only stripped IIOJK of its special constitutional status but also paved the way for demographic changes designed to dilute the region’s Muslim majority. By allowing non-Kashmiris to buy property and settle in the region, the Modi government aims to reshape the demographic and political landscape to its advantage.

The participation of leaders like Omar Abdullah in such elections legitimizes these policies, making them complicit in the broader strategy of disenfranchising Kashmiris. Rather than acting as true representatives of the Kashmiri people, these so-called leaders have continually enabled the Indian government’s oppressive policies.

Historical Resistance

Kashmiris have historically resisted attempts by India to impose its control over the region through puppet leaders. Omar Abdullah’s broken promises are just the latest example of how Indian-installed leaders have consistently betrayed the Kashmiri people’s trust. For decades, such leaders have engaged in political maneuvering, often at the expense of the broader Kashmiri cause. The electorate in Kashmir is well aware that these elections are little more than a charade, designed to give the appearance of legitimacy to Indian rule while suppressing the aspirations for freedom and self-determination.

The Ongoing Struggle for Self-Determination

The Kashmiri resistance has remained resolute in its demands for autonomy and self-determination. Despite the heavy militarization of the region and the repressive measures employed by the Indian state, the people of Kashmir continue to reject Indian-backed leaders like Omar Abdullah. Protests, both peaceful and violent, have erupted frequently in response to the perceived betrayal by local politicians and the ongoing occupation by Indian forces. Abdullah’s reversal on Article 370 is seen as the latest betrayal in a long history of political deceit.

International Indifference

The international community has largely remained silent or indifferent to the plight of the Kashmiris, despite mounting evidence of human rights violations by the Indian government. Organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have documented numerous cases of enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, and the widespread use of torture by Indian security forces. The abrogation of Article 370 has further exacerbated the situation, leading to an increase in the militarization of the region and a crackdown on dissent.

The Need for Authentic Leadership

The continued complicity of leaders like Omar Abdullah in this political farce undermines any real progress toward peace in the region. By endorsing the BJP’s vision for Kashmir and turning his back on the promise of restoring Article 370, Abdullah has alienated himself from the very people he claims to represent. This betrayal underscores the need for authentic leadership in Kashmir—leaders who will stand by the principles of self-determination and resist the lure of political power under India’s oppressive regime. The Kashmiri people have endured decades of suffering under occupation, and their aspirations for freedom cannot be silenced by the empty promises of Indian-backed politicians.


As the people of Kashmir continue to resist the occupation, it is crucial that they reject leaders like Omar Abdullah who have repeatedly proven to be complicit in their subjugation. The international community must also play a more active role in highlighting the plight of the Kashmiri people and ensuring that their voices are heard. The ongoing election drama is just another chapter in the long history of deceit and manipulation in Kashmir—one that only the Kashmiri people, through their resilience and determination, can bring to an end.



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