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Reforming Justice: Pathways to a Stronger Judiciary in Pakistan


The proposed 26th Constitutional Amendment Bill and the 2024 Supreme Court Practice and Procedure Amendment aim to reform Pakistan’s judiciary by establishing a Constitutional Court, decentralizing judicial power, and enhancing transparency and accountability. These changes seek to address inefficiencies and restore public trust in the legal system.

Current Challenges

Pakistan is currently at a critical crossroads, facing pressing challenges in its legal and political landscape. There is a growing recognition that significant reforms are essential to address long-standing inefficiencies in the judiciary and to rebuild public trust. The proposed 26th Constitutional Amendment Bill, 2024, alongside the 2024 Supreme Court Practice and Procedure Amendment, represents a concerted effort to enhance judicial transparency, efficiency, and accountability.

Overburdened Judiciary

With nearly 60,000 pending cases, the Supreme Court of Pakistan is struggling under a heavy load, often diverting its attention from delivering justice to dealing with political matters. This shift has seriously undermined the court’s legitimacy, making it seem more like a political tool than an impartial institution. Both amendments aim to tackle these issues head-on, focusing on the public’s need for a fair and effective judiciary.

Establishing a Constitutional Court

A key aspect of the 26th Amendment is the creation of a Constitutional Court designed to handle cases related to constitutional and political issues, specifically those under Articles 184 and 186. This court would allow the Supreme Court to focus on its primary role of justice delivery, alleviating some of the backlog it currently faces. The idea of having a Constitutional Court isn’t new; many countries, like Germany and South Africa, have successfully applied this approach with distinct mandates for each court, enhancing judicial effectiveness without compromising the principles of separation of powers.

Decentralizing Judicial Power

The 2024 amendment also takes a significant step toward decentralizing judicial power. By empowering the Chief Justice of Pakistan to appoint members to the Practice and Procedure Committee, it breaks the previous concentration of power held by the senior puisne judge. This change is crucial in addressing concerns about political bias and restoring public faith in judicial processes. Additionally, revisions to the parliamentary commission for appointing superior court judges under Article 175A aim to promote a more balanced and transparent selection process.

Reducing Political Involvement

One troubling trend has been the Supreme Court’s increasing involvement in political matters. This often leads to certain judges gaining undue prominence, which can compromise the judiciary’s credibility. By establishing a Constitutional Court, the intention is to create a clearer distinction between judicial and political responsibilities, allowing the Supreme Court to focus on its essential function of delivering justice without distractions and performing its primary role as an appellate court.

Addressing National Security

National security is another pressing issue addressed by these amendments. The 26th Amendment proposes military tribunals for terrorism-related cases, recognizing the difficulties that traditional judicial systems face in prosecuting these complex issues. While there are valid concerns about human rights, the reality is that many countries have implemented military courts in response to ongoing threats. Such tribunals will provide quicker justice and a greater sense of security for citizens who feel vulnerable.

Enhancing Transparency

Transparency in judicial proceedings is also a significant focus of the 2024 Supreme Court Practice and Procedure Amendment. By mandating public access to court transcripts, this measure aims to ensure that judicial actions are documented and open to scrutiny. Along with a first-come, first-served scheduling principle for cases, these reforms strive to create a more equitable and responsive judicial system.

Revising the Defection Clause

The 26th Amendment also seeks to revise the defection clause under Article 63A, which allows political parties to disqualify members who vote against party lines. This provision has often been seen as a barrier to genuine democratic representation. By eliminating it, the amendment encourages legislators to act in alignment with their constituents’ interests, promoting accountability and healthier political discourse.

Accountability Measures for Judges

Furthermore, accountability measures for judges through amendments to Article 209 will help address judicial misconduct effectively, reinforcing the judiciary’s integrity. Provisions for the transfer of judges between High Courts under Article 200 will facilitate better management and resource allocation, ensuring that justice is delivered more efficiently.

Engaging the Public

To garner public support for these amendments, widespread engagement is essential. Utilizing social media, organizing community discussions, and sharing stories from those who have faced delays in justice can help raise awareness about the importance of these reforms. Collaboration among civil society, legal experts, and political leaders will be vital in fostering a collective understanding of how these changes can benefit Pakistan’s democracy.


Ultimately, these amendments aim to rebuild trust in the judicial system by tackling perceived political influences. The proposed Constitutional Court and the restructuring of the Supreme Court’s Practice and Procedure Committee work in tandem to create a more balanced and independent judiciary. This dual approach not only addresses immediate challenges but also lays the groundwork for a more robust legal framework in the future.

Broader Implications

The implications of these reforms extend far beyond the judiciary; they are crucial for the overall stability and advancement of democracy in Pakistan. An independent and efficient judiciary is fundamental to a healthy democracy, providing essential checks and balances to protect citizens’ rights.

Final Thoughts

In summary, the combined efforts of the 2024 Supreme Court Practice and Procedure Amendment and the 26th Amendment signify a significant stride toward judicial reform in Pakistan. By establishing a Constitutional Court, decentralizing judicial power, and mandating public access to court proceedings, these amendments aim to foster a more efficient, accountable, and independent judiciary. As Pakistan navigates its complex legal and political landscape, these reforms are essential for restoring public trust and ensuring justice. Now is the time for decisive action—Pakistan’s future relies on the successful implementation of these crucial changes.


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