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Pakistan’s Judiciary: A Call for Urgent Reform

Pakistan’s legal system is marred with delays and inefficiency, forcing applicants to wait long years for their cases to be decided. Even simple open and shut cases, despite the availability of substantial evidence, usually take a long time to resolve. This shortcoming in the criminal justice system needs to be addressed immediately to achieve speedy and equitable justice, guaranteed by the law and the Constitution. The situation is aggravated, when illegal dictates are utterly disregarded by individuals, who are sworn to uphold justice themselves, thus exposing the deep-rooted corruption and abuse of authority, intrinsic to the judicial processes.

A particularly heinous crime happened in Lahore in 2022, involving the daughter of a High Court judge. Intoxicated, she killed two people with an official Court car. The early response was one of cover-up and intimidation, rather than responsibility. This case exemplifies the widespread elite control of Pakistan’s Courts, in which people in power and their families operate well above the law as untouchables.
On a night in 2022, a female, allegedly inebriated, ploughed over two young guys with an official Lahore High Court Prado, killing them instantly. She fled the scene, abandoning the car behind. Despite her attempts to avoid accountability, CCTV evidence immediately identified her, sparking a public outrage.
Following the event, the High Court judge used excessive influence on law enforcement agencies to protect his daughter. He pressured the authorities to change the investigation’s results to clear her name. His son threatened the victims’ families and coerced them into dropping their charges using bogus tales. This flagrant abuse of judicial power demonstrates the system’s frightening levels of corruption.

The corruption involved the systematic deletion of evidence. The judge reportedly organized the removal of the official car from Police custody, replacing it with another to impede justice. The Investigating Officer also encountered strong pushback and intimidation. When he went to cross-question the judge, he was imprisoned and his case file was taken from him, revealing the judiciary’s readiness to go to extreme measures to protect its own.

Despite enormous odds, the father of one of the deceased youths maintained his unwavering quest for justice. In a recent news conference, he emphasized his dissatisfaction with the lack of media attention and institutional indifference towards this case. His despair has led him to threaten self-immolation in front of Pakistan’s Supreme Court, a heartbreaking cry for attention to the injustice, his family has faced. The media’s silence on this matter is alarming. Fear of contempt of Court charges has inhibited the journalists, preventing them from fulfilling their function as democratic watchdogs. This silence feeds the cycle of injustice while eroding public faith in both the media and the courts.

This episode is not a unique occurrence, but rather the result of a bigger systemic failure within Pakistan’s court. The same institution designed to protect justice has become a hotbed of corruption and lawlessness. This case underlines the urgent need for substantial judicial reforms to restore public trust in the system.

Substantial improvements are needed to solve long-standing challenges. Transparency and accountability must be the foundations of our legal system. Strict standards for preventing the abuse of power and holding individuals accountable, regardless of their appointments and ranks, are required. An independent organization should supervise judicial conduct and examine corruption charges while guaranteeing that the body acts without undue influence.

The media plays an important part in this equation. As the fourth pillar of democracy, it must report courageously on matters of public concern, while holding those in authority accountable. This objective relies heavily on journalist safety and press freedom.

The story of the High Court judge and his daughter serves as a harsh reminder of the critical need for change in Pakistan’s judiciary. It also emphasizes the perils of uncontrolled authority and the significance of accountability in ensuring justice. To move forward, Pakistan must face these difficulties straight on. The judiciary should be a source of hope for the underprivileged, not a haven for the powerful.

Only by openness, accountability, and a firm commitment to justice will Pakistan rebuild trust in its judicial system. The country deserves a Court that is steadfast in its pursuit of truth and justice while standing firm against corruption. Only then can the balances of justice be balanced, respecting the real spirit of the law.


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