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An Intricate Web of Deceit: Israel, Goldsmith & Imran Khan

Aynur Bashirova’s article in Israel ‘s daily “The Times of Israel” states that Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Imran Khan could potentially bridge the gap between Pakistan and the Zionist State, due to his intrinsic relations with the Goldsmith family. This raises some serious concerns about Pakistan’s foreign policy, the Palestinian cause, and the geopolitical context shaping the potential of Pakistan-Israel ties.
The debate around Imran Khan and Israel is part of the infamous Operation Goldsmith, which is nothing. Still, a smear vilification campaign against Pakistan and its military, masterminded, funded and executed, by Zionist and Capitalist lobbies. This operation attempts to weaken Pakistan’s military and political establishment with support from its local pawns, like Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

Aynur Bashirova’s recent piece in “The Times of Israel” has sparked much controversy by implying that Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Imran Khan may play a big role in defining the future trajectory of Pakistan-Israel ties. Bashirova contends that, despite his traditional position against Israel, Khan can bridge the gap between Pakistan and the Zionist State, due to his contacts with the key Jewish personalities, notably the Goldsmith family. This assumption raises serious concerns regarding the dynamics of Pakistan’s foreign policy, the Palestinian cause, and the greater geopolitical context that shapes Pakistan-Israel bilateral relations.

Historical Context: Pakistan, Israel, & Palestinian Cause

In a bid to grasp the complexities of Bashirova’s argument, it remains necessary to examine the historical context of Pakistan’s position towards Israel. Pakistan was created in 1947, while Israel came into being in 1948. Since its establishment, Pakistan has taken a firm stance against recognising Israel, thus aligning its foreign policy with that of the Muslim World, to show solidarity with the Palestinian Cause. Pakistan’s official stance is unequivocal: no recognition of Israel, until a Two-State solution is achieved, ensuring the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

This attitude emanates from Pakistan’s history of territorial conflicts, particularly the Kashmir. The parallels between the Palestinian and Kashmir issues are remarkable since both involve Muslim-majority people demanding self-determination while being under military control. Pakistan’s steadfast support of the Palestinian Cause is, therefore, both a moral and geo-political obligation, which resonates strongly with the country’s national narrative. However, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict continues to be a humanitarian disaster, with staggering deaths. More than 40,000 Palestinians have died since October 2023 following the Israel-Hamas showdown in Gaza, according to the territory’s Health Ministry. This makes it utterly difficult for any Government in Pakistan to explore some reconciliation with Israel without facing major internal criticism.

Special Relationship Between Imran Khan & Zionist Lobby

Bashirova’s piece focuses on a unique aspect of Imran Khan’s political life: his longstanding association with the Goldsmith family, notably Jemima Goldsmith, his former wife, and her brother Zac Goldsmith. Despite his divorce from Jemima, Khan has maintained cordial relations with the Goldsmith family, which has raised suspicions, particularly among opponents, who see this as a link to the Zionist lobby.
Khan’s backing for Zac Goldsmith during his bid for Mayor of London elections is frequently mentioned as an example of this opportunistic friendship. Many saw his open support for Zac Goldsmith, a figure intimately associated with Zionist circles, as paradoxical for a politician, who officially opposes Israel. Some regard the Zionist lobby’s backing for Khan as a strategic instrument since he is the only Pakistani leader, who can soften Pakistan’s hardline position towards Israel. This closeness, according to Bashirova, has even prompted the Goldsmith family and other pro-Israel leaders, to demand Imran Khan’s release from his present detention on pretext of criminal charges. While these calls may appear innocuous, they are part of a bigger geo-political game in which powerful lobbies tend to apply pressure on Pakistan, in ways that might alter its foreign policy stance.

Geo-Political Interests & Media Blitz Through Operation Goldsmith

The debate around Imran Khan and Israel, cannot be divorced from the larger narrative of what has been dubbed “Operation Goldsmith.” This purported operation, apparently backed by wealthy Jewish businesspeople and Zionist interests, seeks to weaken Pakistan’s military and political establishment by supporting a specific dissident faction-Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). This operation is a multi-dimensional enterprise that combines media campaigns, public relations efforts, and political manoeuvring to advance capitalism and Zionist objectives in the Muslim World with Pakistan being its bastion.

The consequences of Operation Goldsmith are also very extensive. On the one hand, it reveals the extent to which international lobbyists, frequently utilising media as a vehicle, strive to influence political processes in Pakistan. On the other side, it emphasises Western and Zionist groups’ inherent double standards, as they criticise Pakistan’s military and political system while maintaining silence on Israel’s human rights violations in Palestine.

The high scores of deaths in Gaza are a grim reminder of Israeli occupation’s unrelenting savagery. The silence of those pushing for Khan’s release in the face of such widespread violence raises concerns about the underlying intentions for their support. Is there a real concern for Pakistan’s democracy and political freedom, or is it part of a greater strategy to destabilise the country and its military to achieve broader geopolitical goals?

The Challenges Ahead: Human Rights and Geopolitical Games

The concept that Imran Khan may be a bridge between Pakistan and Israel is laden with difficulties, not the least of which is Pakistan’s strong popular opposition to any normalisation with Israel. The slaughter of innocents in Gaza, the misery of the Palestinian people, and the continued military occupation make it practically difficult for any Pakistani politician to discuss modifying the country’s long-standing position on Israel.

Furthermore, the claim that Operation Goldsmith is destabilising Pakistan by boosting Khan’s political goals, demonstrates the complexities of modern international relations. Media narratives, lobbying activities, and foreign funding have all played significant roles in moulding the political landscape of Pakistan, where external forces frequently collide with indigenous issues.

To summarise, although the “Times of Israel” may speculate about Imran Khan’s possible role in altering Pakistan-Israel ties, the reality is significantly more complex. The Palestinian struggle is a deeply moral issue in Pakistan, and any leader seeking to change the country’s posture towards Israel would encounter fierce political opposition. Furthermore, Israel’s human rights violations, notably in Gaza, serve as a reminder that no amount of geopolitical manoeuvring would alleviate the Palestinian people’s suffering. There is also a need to identify double agents like Imran Khan, expose their nefarious designs against the state of Pakistan and take them to a logical end.


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