Read more about the article War within wars — out of shadows
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War within wars — out of shadows

Iran's Operation True Promise targeted Israel with a massive missile and drone barrage on April 14, in response to Israeli provocation.

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Read more about the article Ties with Pakistan — IEA’s to-do list
Image Credits: Khyber News

Ties with Pakistan — IEA’s to-do list

IEA faces complex challenges amid evolving relations with Pakistan. TTP issue and regional dynamics demand strategic recalibration.

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Pakistan and Afghanistan's old flag depicting the two nations relations.
Flags of Pakistan and Afghanistan side by side, symbolizing the intertwined history, challenges, and hopes in the complex relationship between the two neighbouring nations.

Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations: Dispelling Historical Truths

Flags of Pakistan and Afghanistan side by side, symbolizing the intertwined history, challenges, and hopes in the complex relationship between the two neighbouring nations

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