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Distant Shores & Men-in-Turbans: Sikhs Tragedy

Hardeep Singh Nijjar’s murder in his Canadian driveway sent waves of a chilling sense of fear in the Sikh community abroad. It wasn’t just a life taken; it was a stark reminder of a grim pattern – foreign soil stained with the blood of innocent and peaceful citizens and in every case, the same shadowy figure looming, called India.

This isn’t just a story of loss; it is a call for caution against an over emboldened India adopting a bully’s behavior; its chest puffed with newfound assertiveness and completely overlooking the basic moral compass. This is a dangerous game; a game that threatens not just individuals but the very fabric of international law and order. The pattern is undeniable.

From the fiery skies of 1985, where Air India Flight 182 killing at least 15 Sikhs, plunged into the Atlantic Ocean, whispers of Indian involvement in killings and conspiracy against Sikhs still linger.

In the US, Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a Sikh activist, narrowly escaped an assassination attempt, with suspicion falling on India. The US authorities are still investigating the potential Indian links. Six years later, in 2022, Hardeep Singh Nijjar’s death in Canada sent shockwaves through the community and prompted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to announce “credible allegations” of Indian involvement. Most recently, in June 2023, the mysterious death of a Khalistan movement leader Avtar Singh Khanda in Birmingham UK sparked outrage across Sikh community, calling for a “full scale investigation”.


It wasn’t just whispers. Indian RAW’s sting operations in Pakistan, targeting Sikh and Kashmiri activists, are also beyond qualms. But what drives this Indian state-sponsored violence? One answer is the suppression of dissent, a desperate attempt to silence criticism of India’s domestic policies, particularly its treatment of minorities.

Another reason is a twisted form of power projection, a flexing of muscle at the international stage. Whatever the motive may be, the outcome is clear – lives shattered, families torn apart, and a noble religious community living in a perpetual state of fear even thousands of miles away from India.

The hypocrisy is as stark as it is tragic.

India, a nation born from the ashes of colonial oppression, now stands accused of perpetuating the very injustices it once fought against.

Its self-proclaimed role as a champion of human rights and democracy rings hollow in the face of such accusations.

Imagine the outrage if another nation, say China, were to be implicated in the targeted killings of its dissidents on American soil. The international outcry would be swift and deafening. Yet, with India, a fellow democracy, the response has been muted, often drowned out by the siren song of economic interests and geopolitical considerations.

This selective outrage is not only hypocritical but also dangerous. It sets a precedent where powerful nations can act with impunity, treating the lives of citizens in weaker countries as pawns in their own political chess board. But the question remains: Will India be held accountable?


The world must demand a thorough and independent investigation into the allegations of Indian involvement in Sikh killings abroad. Canada, USA, and other countries where these killings have occurred, must not let their pursuit of economic and diplomatic ties make them blind to the cries for justice.

India’s behavior is not in line with that of a responsible global power. Instead, it fits the frame of a country blinded by ambition, sacrificing its moral standing on the altar of perceived security. Silence cannot be an option. A thorough and independent investigation into these allegations is needed.

Even on foreign soil, justice cannot be sacrificed for expediency.

This is not just about the Sikhs. It is about upholding the fundamental principles of international law. The blood of Sikhs spilled on foreign soil is a stark reminder of this tragedy. It’s a call for accountability and for a world where justice, not fear, reigns supreme.

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