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SIFC: A visionary initiative for economic stability in Pakistan

The establishment of SIFC is definitely a breath of fresh air for the Pakistani economy which is surrounded by economic crisis. An ambitious recovery plan has been presented in an effort to stabilize the economy and put it on a sustainable course. The long-term strategy, meticulously drafted by the civil-military alliance, aims to unleash the unrealized potential of 240 million people and the resource-rich terrain by making it accessible to foreign direct investment. Gulf and Middle Eastern nations would first be kept informed as funds are secured and to ensure that viable initiatives are implemented promptly. One key aspect of the initiative is to encourage local development and speed up the implementation of projects that are in the works.According to the “Economic Revival Plan,” Pakistan’s economy might reach $1 trillion by 2035. The new design is larger than the $60 billion CPEC and targets $100 billion in FDI over the following five years. Additionally, it aims on transforming the economy into an export-oriented one by providing 75 million people with direct and indirect employment possibilities, increasing export targets to $70 billion, and gradually reducing imports. The realization that this “Special Investment Facilitation Council” will be a permanent one-window operation aimed at removing all obstacles and bureaucratic red tape is what distinguishes the effort from others. By demonstrating a commitment to an honest and transparent process, the military leadership is taking a vital step forward in rebuilding the nation’s economy. SIFC has a number of essential elements. First, it entails impact investment, which involves allocating capital to businesses with quantifiable goals of generating a good social or environmental impact. Second, ESG integration mixes social and environmental considerations into financial analyses to help investors make better investment choices. Thirdly, shareholder advocacy urges investors to use their power to influence businesses for the better. Finally, sustainable banking and finance encourage financial firms to embrace sustainable practices. Foreign investors now have more flexibility in choosing the locations of their investment because of this improved accessibility. Additionally, investors can now transfer their profits in any currency of their choice, which makes it easier to remove money from Pakistan if necessary.The lifting of restrictions on selling or leasing land to foreign investors is another noteworthy achievement. They now have an easier time acquiring land for their businesses, especially those involved in real estate. There are greater prospects for foreign investors in this industry now that foreign developers can comfortably invest in Pakistan’s real estate market. Additionally, foreign investors can now hold 100% of corporate agriculture farms and 60% of agricultural projects, allowing them to fully participate in the agriculture sector.The IT sector is included in the mandate of SIFC, it is one of the few sectors in Pakistan that can play a key role in the economic survival and recovery of Pakistan. Reforms in such areas are very necessary and will have far reaching results.

SIFC has carefully identified key sectors with enormous potential for economic growth. Agriculture, energy, information technology (IT), mining and resource extraction, and defense manufacturing are some of these sectors. SIFC seeks to address essential procedural concerns, facilitate policy reforms, and create an environment that is friendly of investors by channeling foreign investment into certain industries. The agricultural sector in Pakistan is essential to the nation’s economy. However, it faces many difficulties, including outmoded farming methods, a lack of water, and a lack of technical developments. The SIFC’s emphasis on agriculture demonstrates its commitment to addressing these issues and luring foreign capital to modernize the industry, boost productivity, and improve export capabilities. The energy industry is essential to the prosperity of any country. Despite recent progress, Pakistan still has problems with a lack of energy and an over reliance on fossil resources. The purpose of SIFC’s involvement in this industry is to draw foreign capital into the region in order to assist renewable energy initiatives, advance energy efficiency, and improve the nation’s energy infrastructure. IT industry has emerged as a key factor in global economic expansion. Although Pakistan has a great pool of IT workers, the industry struggles with issues including poor infrastructure and restricted access to financing. The SIFC is concentrating on IT because it recognizes that it has the potential to be a driver of economic growth. It wants to draw foreign investment to promote innovation, upgrade infrastructure, and open up job possibilities. Pakistan is a country with a wealth of natural resources, including mines and valuable stones. But the industry struggles with difficulties including out-of-date mining methods and a lack of funding for exploration and extraction. With its involvement in this industry, SIFC hopes to entice international capital to modernize mining operations, advance environmental-friendly techniques, and maximize the value of natural resources for the benefit of the nation’s economy.PauseUnmute

A critical industry that can support a country’s economic development is defense production. Pakistan has a robust defense sector, but it needs to be upgraded and modernized to stay up with modernization efforts. The SIFC’s emphasis on defense production intends to draw international investment, encourage joint ventures, and improve the defense industry’s capabilities.

Collaboration between the civil and military in projects with social impact is not unique to Pakistan. Countries all throughout the world have seen these collaborations’ advantages. For instance, the US Department of Defence has made investment in renewable energy projects to cut carbon emissions and improve energy security. The military has taken a leading role in Brazil’s environmental conservation initiatives, fighting illegal deforestation and defending indigenous areas. These instances show how the civic and military sectors can work together to greatly advance economic expansion and sustainable development.

This massive strategy to change the economic indices for Pakistan must be implemented with the utmost consistency and attention. Many nations have overcome these obstacles by developing and putting into place a political interference-free program in their national affairs. Ghana is one example of a country that has achieved great success by adhering to a 30-year plan included in its Constitution. Additionally, we must achieve it, and all political forces must be involved. Pakistan’s turnaround should be the main objective.

According to the revered Buddhist monk Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, “when we learn to accept difficult circumstances patiently, the real problem disappears.” SIFC exemplifies this knowledge by identifying the difficulties and making an effort to resolve them. The government’s adherence to consistent policymaking and efficient implementation is clear evidence of its strong commitment to the stability and expansion of the economy.

—The writer is contributing columnist.


Courtesy by Omay Aimen – Pakistan Observer

Omay Aimen

Omay Aimen is a researcher, with an interest in national security, international politics, hybrid warfare & geopolitics. She can be reached at

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