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Pakistan in the Outgoing Year 2023

2023 was a year that tested Pakistan’s mettle. Devastating floods, economic fluctuations, and political upheavals remained some of the gravest challenges. Yet, amidst the storms, Pakistan bore a narrative of resilience, progress, and unyielding spirit. This is not to deny the hardships faced but to celebrate the triumphs, big and small, that paint a different, often under-reported, picture of the country.

The devastating floods of 2022 left a trail of destruction, displacing millions and pushing countless families to the brink. Yet, amidst the despair, a beacon of international solidarity emerged. The Government of Pakistan, in collaboration with the United Nations, hosted the International Conference on Climate Resilient Pakistan in Geneva. This pivotal event brought together countries, NGOs, and private sector leaders to pledge support for the reconstruction of flood-hit areas and sustainable, climate resilient reconstruction models.

While the floods posed a significant economic challenge, Pakistan’s economic engine continued to show promising signs. The year witnessed a surge in foreign exchange reserves, reaching a staggering $7.7 billion. Outward remittances through the Roshan Digital Account peaked at $6.75 billion in October 2023, showcasing the immense potential of this innovative platform. Pakistan’s export sector grew impressively, with a $479 millionincrease in exports compared to the previous year.

Implementation of IMF-backed stabilization measures, improved tax collection, and a focus on export-oriented industries contributed to GDP growth exceeding 4% in FY2023. This GDP rise was a significant economic turnaround amidst the crunch. The stock market exceeded 57,000 points, reflecting investor confidence.

Pakistan climbed 28 spots in the World Bank’s Doing Business rankings, attracting new entrepreneurs and foreign investors.

Despite global economic uncertainties, Pakistan saw a record Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflow in 2023, exceeding $1 billion for the first time in a decade. China invested $126.3 million in various sectors, while the IMF gave a staff level agreement to a $70 billion loan, signifying confidence in Pakistan’s economic future.

Pakistan’s 2023 diplomacy hit a high note, crafting a path of success through proactive diplomacy. From the SCO and OIC summits to forging stronger regional ties and economic partnerships, the country asserted its key role in taking initiatives. Hosting the OIC meeting solidified Pakistan’s role within the Muslim world, while Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with Malaysia and United Arab Emirates (UAE) widened economic prospects. Pakistan’s unwavering stance on regional issues, particularly urging the Taliban to respect human rights and combat terrorism, earned international respect.

Increased pressure on the Taliban and proactive efforts like border troop deployments yielded a decrease in cross-border attacks. Despite lingering strains, Pakistan and the US saw pragmatic progress. High-level visits like Foreign Minister Bhutto’s trip to Washington and COAS Munir’s visit to the capital showcased a willingness to engage constructively. These successes demonstrate Pakistan’s growing influence and commitment to playing a positive role in global affairs.

Beyond the economic and diplomatic spheres, Pakistan’s urban landscape witnessed significant transformation.

Projects like the Green Islamabad Initiative are creating eco-friendly, livable spaces. Islamabad witnessed the construction of the Rawalpindi Ring Road, easing traffic congestion and connecting vital areas.  Karachi’s Dhabeji Disposal Site rehabilitation is tackling sanitation issues. Karachi’s Green Line Bus Rapid Transit project neared completion. Initiatives like the Naya Pakistan Clean and Green Drive revitalized parks and public areas. Karachi’s Bagh-e-Ibne Qasim was transformed into a sprawling green oasis, while Lahore’s Liberty Roundabout became a vibrant cultural hub and its Orange Line Metro Train became fully operational.

Pakistani agriculture defied climate uncertainties to witness a remarkable 73% increase in production. Cotton experienced a staggering 126.6% growth. Wheat production rose by 12.5%, ensuring domestic food security and reducing dependence on imports.  Mango exports reached a record high, while rice exports also saw significant growth. Initiatives like the National Initiative for Sustainable Agriculture and the Kissan Card scheme are empowering farmers and fostering sustainable practices. These urban development initiatives are paving the way for a more prosperous and livable future for generations to come.

The achievements of 2023 go beyond mere statistics and figures. They are a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Pakistani people. From farmers battling drought to doctors treating the flood-stricken, from entrepreneurs launching innovative ventures to students striving for academic excellence, the stories of resilience and hope are countless. These are the stories that truly define Pakistan’s 2023 – a year where the nation stood tall amidst adversity, choosing the path of progress and optimism.

As we look towards 2024, the challenges remain real. Yet, the lessons learned from 2023 – of resilience, of international cooperation, of unwavering commitment to progress – offer a beacon of hope. Pakistan has proven its ability to rise above adversity, and with continued dedication and collaboration, the nation can build a brighter future for its people. And as the calendar turns to a new year, one can only say with conviction: Pakistan has not just survived 2023, it has thrived.

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