Resolution 901: An Underlying Motive to Tarnish International Image of Pakistan

901 resolution
  • Reading time:5 mins read
  • Post author:Policy Wire
  • Post category:Diagnosis

The passage of US House of Representatives Resolution- 901 with a whopping majority (368 Versus 7) exposes the selectiveness of the West in using human rights and democracy, for pursuance of vested interests. The silence of West on humanitarian crises in Palestine, Yemen, Kashmir, Syria, Libya and many other places along with the timings are maddening. The timings, goals and underlying effects of Resolution-901 have raised concerns over the real motives of this Resolution. At first sight, the resolution appears to be a meaningful effort to support democratic values and human rights in Pakistan. However, a deeper analysis exposes an insidious agenda to impede the effectiveness of successful strides in the journey of stabilizing the economic and security situation in Pakistan. The timings of the Resolution reflect a political dimension as it is passed after the announcement of the Operation Azm e Isktehkam; a beacon of stability for the nation.

Operation Azm e Istehkam is a nationwide operation that aims to eradicate terrorism and instability, a game changer for the future of Pakistan. The Resolution is a deliberate attempt to derail the stability of the Pakistan by falsely overstating the humanitarian crisis in Pakistan. In a country of 240 million people, despite the continued efforts of militancy to damage the peace, the state institutions have tried their best. The Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) have successfully targeted the terrorist networks and criminal elements that have plagued the nation. The past successes have now inspired Apex Committee of National Action Plan (NAP) which later approved with the mutual consensus of all important stake holders.

The security situation in Pakistan has been improving, along with a ripple effect on economy, boosting investors confidence. The unprecedented growth of Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX), crossing 78,000 points since the creation of Pakistan is a marked improvement in the economy of the country. Therefore, the revival of economic and security policies show a positive trend that the nation is moving in the right direction of progress. However, despite these improvements the progress is undermined due to the propaganda aimed at instability and defaming Pakistan at the global arena. Certain political fractions and external forces are supporting this mandate; often termed as operation Gold Smith 2.0 aligning the hidden agenda of resolution 901.

House Resolution 901 seeks to create unfounded doubt on the Pakistani government’s performance in the areas of democracy and human rights. Contrary to its assertions, Pakistan’s human rights record is superior than that of its surrounding countries. Concurrently, the Pakistani government is actively attempting to restore public trust in state institutions, improving the social contract between the people and the authorities on a daily basis. However, some elements oppose Pakistan’s progress. Zionist and capitalist factions become dissatisfied when their influence in the country dwindles. These entities keep and fund their assets in Pakistan, while

Moreover, it is to be noted that the concerns of morality, legality, human rights and democracy are not the actual drivers of this Resolution. It only serves the vested interests of those hostile to Pakistan. The resolution is spearheaded by four Republican Senators with strong pro-Jewish leanings that also unveil an underlying bias. House Resolution 901, allegedly a nonpartisan attempt to support democracy and human rights in Pakistan, has received widespread support, with over 100 cosponsors and unanimous support from the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. This deliberate effort seeks to position the Resolution as a worldwide call to democratic values. However, the resolution’s true significance rests in its power to sway international opinion against Pakistan, aligning with a broader agenda of Zionist and capitalist forces concerned about Pakistan’s prosperity and stability.

Despite being non-binding and without legal power, the Resolution’s importance in the perception domain cannot be overstated. The pro-Jewish leanings of its main supporters, notably Rep. Rich McCormick and Rep. Greg Stanton, point to a deeper, more biased agenda. The presence of nonpartisan cosponsors and the resolution’s framing as a support for democratic norms obscure the underlying biases that motivate it. These forces seek to influence world opinion and undermine Pakistan’s international reputation by throwing doubt on the country’s democratic institutions and human rights record.

To summarize, White House Resolution 901 is promoted as a noble endeavor to promote democracy and human rights in Pakistan, it is critical to examine the motivations for it. The pro-Jewish affiliations of its core supporters reflect a skewed agenda designed to influence foreign perceptions and harm Pakistan’s prosperity. The Resolution’s timings, following Pakistan’s tremendous progress in economic and security domains, particularly through efforts such as Operation Azm-e-Istehkam, reveals its underlying political intentions. Despite substantial advancements in Pakistan’s security and economic sectors, this resolution tries to undermine these gains by casting unfounded doubt on the country’s democratic and human rights record.

This endeavor to distort foreign views is consistent with the larger goals of Zionist and capitalist elements to destabilize Pakistan.

It is critical to identify and investigate the factors driving such legislative moves. The true significance of House Resolution 901 is not its legal authority, but its ability to shape foreign opinion and damage Pakistan’s stability and progress. As Pakistan continues on its road to economic and security stability, it is critical to be vigilant against external forces that want to derail its success story through such biased and politically driven resolutions.

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