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Pakistan and Afghanistan's old flag depicting the two nations relations.
Flags of Pakistan and Afghanistan side by side, symbolizing the intertwined history, challenges, and hopes in the complex relationship between the two neighbouring nations.

Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations: Dispelling Historical Truths

Flags of Pakistan and Afghanistan side by side, symbolizing the intertwined history, challenges, and hopes in the complex relationship between the two neighbouring nations

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Hindu nationalism: India’s state of paranoia

The excrise of Hindu nationalism under the BJP, highlighting its impact on Indian politics, education, and society. It discusses the party's efforts to shape a Hindu-centric narrative, erasing diverse historical perspectives and fostering division. Moreover, it emphasizes the dangers of indoctrinating youth with divisive ideologies, warning of potential social upheaval and threats to India's democratic and secular values. Through expert analysis and insights, the excerpt sheds light on the profound ramifications of this ideological shift, calling for safeguarding pluralism and tolerance in Indian society.

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Education – A Shield Against Crime
Image Credits: UNOPS

Education – A Shield Against Crime

Education serves as an antidote to crime, with law and policy guarding against its allure, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing education for societal well-being

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