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Never Again”? Who Allows the Genocide?

Genocide, the systematic destruction of a group of people based on their nationality, ethnicity, race or religion, is a dark stain on the past and present of humanity. Even then the world has shown a disturbing propensity to remain silent in the face of these atrocities. From the horrors of the Holocaust to the ongoing war in Gaza, the global response to genocide has been marked by tepid condemnations, ineffective sanctions, and a deafening silence.

This history of inaction is deeply troubling.

 In 1948, the world watched as the horrors of the Holocaust unfolded; a systematic extermination of 6millionJewsby the Naziregime. Despite early warnings and mounting evidence, the international community failed to take decisive action, leaving generations haunted by the ghost of inaction and indifference.

Fast forward to Cambodia in the 1970s, where the Khmer Rouge Regime carried out the brutal Pol Pot genocide, resulting in the deaths of nearly 2 million people. One again, the world’s response was muted, marked by condemnation but little concrete action to stop the slaughter. Rwanda in 1994 witnessed another horrific chapter, with Hutu extremists targeting Tutsis in a 100-day genocide that claimed over 800,000 lives. The international community, scarred by its failure in Rwanda, pledged “never again.”

But the promise fell tragically short in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the early 1990s, where ethnic cleansing claimed the lives of over 100,000 people. Similarly, the brutal conflict in Darfur, Sudan in the early 2000s saw the systematic targeting of ethnic groups resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions displaced.

Each instance serves as a grim reminder of the world’s tendency to turn a blind eye to tragedies unfolding in real-time.

The Indian Government’s Operation Blue Star in June 1984, aimed to allegedly dislodge militants from the Golden Temple, resulted in one of the bloodiest events in the South Asian region – 2733 Sikhs killed in just 3 days. The Sikh genocide is still being carried out by India, and now it has extended to a chase of the diaspora Sikh community as well.

Today, the Palestinian people face an ongoing struggle for self-determination and the Palestinian genocide remains one of the longest and deadliest in the modern history – starting from the First Nakba to the ongoing Israel’s war on Gaza. About 100,000 Palestinians have been killed, reported missing, or wounded since 7 October 2023 as part of Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The international response to this situation has been far from unified. While many Western nations voice concerns about Palestinian rights and advocate for a two-state solution, these calls often seem disconnected from concrete action. Arms sales to Israel continue, diplomatic pressures remain limited, and the underlying power imbalance shows little sign of shifting. This lack of decisive action fuels a sense of frustration and injustice among Palestinians and those who support their cause.

From Rwanda’s echoes to Palestine’s struggle, “never again” remains a broken vow.

Breaking the cycle demands action. First, acknowledge the gravity: understand history, power imbalances, and Palestinian suffering. Second, pursue accountability: utilize international legal mechanisms to hold perpetrators accountable, not just condemn. Third, apply pressure: targeted sanctions and diplomacy can incentivize change and protect vulnerable communities. Finally, foster dialogue: acknowledge the aspirations of both sides and seek a lasting peace built on mutual respect and security. The responsibility lies not just with governments, but with each individual. Raise awareness, speak out, and demand accountability. Let “never again” be a rallying cry, not a broken promise. Build a world where silence gives way to action.


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