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 Indian Army’s Diversionary Efforts To Subdue Uprising In Kashmir

While Indian politics has become militarized, Indian military is gradually turning into Modi Ki Sena. Indian Army’s recent allegations on Special Services Group (SSG) of Pakistan Army, for conducting a surgical strike deep inside Srinagar Corps, is a diversionary effort to deflect peoples’ attention from human rights conditions in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K). This article delves into broader geopolitical implications and historical context of indigenous freedom movement, accentuated by persistent oppression of Indian Security Forces. While the struggle of Kashmiri people remains to be a legitimate fight for self-determination, India’s mantra of cross-border terrorism appears to be a fabricated one, when viewed in the backdrop of incessant HRVs conducted by Indian security forces in IIOJ&K.

The Indian Army’s recent claims of a surgical strike carried out by Special Services Group (SSG) of Pakistan Army, well inside the Area of Responsibility (AOR) of 15 Corps has sparked significant controversy and debate. Kamkari, which is located 20 kilometers from the Line of Control (LoC) and 6 kilometers southwest of the village Machil in Kupwara, is alleged to be the site of this operation. However, this assertion fits into a broader pattern of the Indian Army’s habit of undertaking false flag operations for creating a sinister hysteria, throw instant blame on Pakistan and scapegoat it for own failures. This article explores the implications of such unfounded claims, the historical context of false flag operations by Indian Army, and the broader narrative, being paddled globally/ regionally. The Indian Army’s dubious claims portray Pakistan as a perennial aggressor, aiming to distract from its internal issues and failures IIOJ&K. The strategic depth of Kamkari, being well within Indian-controlled territory, makes the claim highly questionable.

Historical Context of False Flag Operations

False flag operations, where a country conducts a covert operation to appear as if it was carried out by another entity, have been a notable strategy in the Indian Army’s and Government’s playbook. These operations serve multiple purposes: justifying increased military presence, diverting attention from internal problems, and vilifying Pakistan on the international stage, India’s personal favorite. One of the most prominent examples is the 2001 Indian Parliament attack, which India immediately blamed on Pakistan without any proofs. Subsequent investigations raised significant doubts about the narrative, suggesting internal complicity and manipulation. Similarly, the 2016 Uri attack and the subsequent surgical strike claims were also subsequently questioned for authenticity and evidence.

The Reality of Indigenous Movements

Contrary to the Indian narrative, the ongoing turmoil in IIOJ&K is not merely a product of external instigation. The region has witnessed a persistent indigenous freedom movement, fueled by decades of brutalities, human rights violations, and selective vindication by Indian security forces. The recent shifting and deployment of around two thousand BSF troops to Kashmir, is a testament to the Indian state’s failure in addressing the root causes of discontent and rebellion. Despite Indian claims of a “normalized” situation, the reality on the ground tells a different story. The abrogation of Article 370 in August 2019, which stripped Jammu and Kashmir of its special status, has exacerbated the sense of betrayal and injustice among the Kashmiri people. This move has intensified their resolve to resist Indian occupation, as the promise of autonomy was one of the few assurances of their identity and rights. People of Kashmir are increasingly disillusioned with the Indian state’s oppressive measures and are determined to fight for their right to self-determination. The indigenous struggle for self-determination in Kashmir has gained a new lease of life, not due to external support, but because of the unwavering resilience of the Kashmiri people. The Indian state’s response has been heavy-handed, crossing the line into outright repression and violence.

Indian Strategy: Building a Mantra in Counter-Terror Domain

India’s strategy in countering this indigenous movement has been to build a narrative of counter-terrorism, casting itself as a victim of cross-border terrorism. This narrative conveniently shifts the blame onto Pakistan, deflecting attention from the systemic issues within IIOJ&K and the Indian Army’s own failures. The recent hue and cry about terror incidents in Kashmir, are part of the same broader strategy. By portraying every act of resistance as terrorism sponsored by Pakistan, India aims to garner international sympathy and support, while simultaneously justifying its repressive measures in the region.

The Role of Media and Propaganda

The Indian media plays a crucial role in perpetuating this narrative. Sensationalist reporting, unverified claims, and biased analyses create an atmosphere of fear and hysteria, which is then used to justify military actions and repressive policies. The portrayal of every Kashmiri resistance fighter as a terrorist, and every act of dissent as an act of terrorism, dehumanizes the Kashmiri people and undermines their legitimate aspirations.

Pakistan’s Stance and International Diplomacy

Pakistan, on the other hand, has consistently advocated for peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue through dialogue and adherence to international laws. The claims of surgical strikes and cross-border terrorism are viewed as part of India’s broader strategy to isolate Pakistan diplomatically and justify its own military aggression. Pakistan must continue to highlight the indigenous nature of the Kashmiri struggle, the human rights violations perpetrated by Indian forces, and the need for international intervention to ensure justice and peace in the region. Engaging with international organizations, human rights bodies, and the global media remains to be crucial in shifting the narrative and exposing the reality of the situation in Kashmir. It is high time India recognizes this reality and addresses the legitimate grievances of the Kashmiri people instead of scapegoating Pakistan to divert attention from its own failures and missteps in the region. Kashmir Issue needs to be solved as per the aspirations of people of Kashmir and in line with the UN resolutions available on the subject. It must be understood by India and the international community that an indigenous freedom movement is gaining momentum in IIOJ&K that necessitates immediate realization.


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